krabbetåka - supernova
premiered at rom for dans 7th of march 2025.
idea, choreography and dance: loan thanh ha, ida gudbrandsen and rikke baewert
sound design: david kiers
costume design: harald lunde helgesen
lighting design: martin myrvold
photos: simen dieserud thornquist
we thought that we could explode ourselves and that time could go both fast and slow at the same time and that we should not be three miserable bodies, but monstrous and formless amounts of energy on our way out towards the stratosphere in an ever-expanding style. we should not be limited by space, but with cosmic power burst walls sail on tectonic plates disappear and re-emerge as simple elements. that's what we thought. then the work began, and we let ourselves be led into a slowly rotating choreographic object, and the musical landscape of david kiers. gradually we became entangled in the costumes of harald lunde helgesen, before martin myrvold provided the darkness and light. we have insisted on the process and painted ourselves into this corner. Now we are here.
welcome to the crab fog!
arven - by matthew lopez
premiered at the national theatre of norway 8th of february 2025.
director: johannes holmen dahl.
set and costume design: nia damerell.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
sound design: erik hedin.
dramaturgs: hege randi tørressen and njål helge mjøs.
mask: ida kristine høgbakk
photos: erika hebbert.
an epic masterpiece of love, loss, life and death, where the stories of generations of gay people intertwine in what has been called "perhaps the most important american play of this century"!
I work with the potential that I might be a dog - yaniv cohen.
premiered at dansens hus - oslo 12th of december 2024.
choreographer, text and idea: yaniv cohen
set designer: carl nilssen love
lighting designer: martin myrvold
sound designer: arvid ingvardsson
costume designer: eyrun müller
dramaturg and text: asher lev
producer: madeleine fairminer
photos: antero hein
it seems we are more easily distracted these days, like children overflowing with restless, untamed energy. at the same time, we are expected to exercise self-control over this “natural” behavior, which leaves some of us feeling like “caged animals.”
the dog was domesticated around thirty thousand years ago, its wild behavior restrained by the humans who took control of it. feeling like a “caged animal” is also how yaniv cohen describes the social pressure he experiences to tame his natural enthusiasm and hyperactivity. recognizing that he might be a “domesticated dog” becomes a liberating way to explore his hyper-tendencies and potential within the existing power structures of art, culture, and society.
herstad / berstad - kompani haugesund, with premiere at festiviteten in haugesund, norway, 10th of october 2024.
"kø" - choreograph: ludvig herstad (link)
"nattsang" - choreograph: ingeleiv berstad (link)
set and costume design: thale kvam olsen
lighting design: martin myrvold
composer: anne lise frøkedal (link)
photos: grethe nygaard
a doubble bill with two choreographers that operates at opposite ends of what dance can be. in this performance they are invited to each create their own premiere for the company's dancers, and also weave the works together. the audience is taken on a journey through the narrative qualities of dance, from a theatrical and musical landscape by herstad, into a conceptual and abstract world created by berstad, with live music by anne lise frøkedal.
peer gynt / festspillene i bergen premiere - by henrik ibsen
premiered at grieg hallen during festspillene i bergen 22nd of may 2024, den norske opera 17th of august 2024 and at nationaltheatret the 21st of september 20024.
three of three premieres done with a collaboration between nationaltheatret, festspillene i bergen and den norske opera og ballet.
link here for the producers info about the production: festspillene i bergen, den norske opera, nationaltheatret
director - johannes holmen dahl
set and costume design - nia damerell
lighting design - martin myrvold
mask - eva sharp
dramaturg - heidi randi tørressen
photos - erika hebbert and per berg
in this staging of henrik ibsen's masterpiece, we go into the core of peer gynt. ibsen's symbol-heavy and rich text is interpreted by a strong team of actors, and ragnhild hemsing, one of our foremost grieg interpreters, is on stage with ole bull's own harding fiddle. in grieghallen and the opera the production will perform with a full symphony orchestra and choir, before returning to the national theatre in full theatre version.
elefantmannen - oslo nye teater (link here)
premiered at centralthetret 28th of august 2024.
director - sargun ossana
set and costume design - david gehrt
lighting design - martin myrvold
video and sound design - o'future
dramaturg - ilene sørbøe
photos - lars opstad
what does it do to a person to live with the outside world's constant gaze on them, while one is ostracized, exploited and exhibited as a sick phenomenon? what does it mean to be normal and what or who defines "normal"? what inherited norms about body, skin, intelligence, disease and deformity are hidden in our society? how can language create or distort reality?
library of gestures - janne camilla lyster
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, 11th of April 2024 (link here)
choreography: janne camila lyster (website)
music: jennifer torrence and bjørnar habbestad
sound design: terje wessel øverland
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume design: ida falck øien
outer eye: eva-cecilie richardsen
photo: tale hendnes, dansens hus
performers: anne-linn akselsen, lisa colette bysheim, even eileraas, ingrid haakstad, torunn helene robstad, orfee schuijt, terje tjøme mossige, sudesh adhana, edith askeland, mette edvardsen, synne erichsen, ilse ghekiere, gry kipperberg, emilie marie karlsen, putli hellesen, pia elton, ingunn rimestad, sindre sten vik, ole kristian tangen and line tørmoen
library of gestures consists of a movement choir with no less than 20 dancers, one flutist and one percussionist. the performance is built up from three layers: a mathematically structured movement layer of gestures, as well as live music and text. the text is essayistic and poetic, with historical references revolving around human loneliness, hope and confusion.
the idea behind the performance is a diversification of the singular. the dancers perform a rhythmic movement composition that creates unexpected connections between them, and between the movement, the music and the text. the performers make the same gestures, and give them their own touch.
besøk av gammel dame (the visit) by friedrich dürrenmatt.
premiered at nationaltheatret in oslo, norway, 8th of march 2024 (link).
director: sigrid strøm reibo
set and costume design: katja ebbel
lighting design: martin myrvold
choreography: oleg glushkov
musical leader: synnøve gustavsen ovrid
mask: nina konig
dramaturg: oda radoor
photos: erika hebbert
what are you willing to sacrifice for money? in the world-renowned black comedy the visit, you are invited to the small town of güllen, which is on the brink of financial ruin. suddenly, the rich and mysterious clara zachanassian appears. she herself grew up in the city and has now returned with a gold-edged and macabre proposal in her suitcase: she offers the city's residents a huge sum of money - in exchange for them avenging the crime that was once committed against her.
kunsten å være lykkelig - by rune david grue.
premiered at brageteatret 5th of april 2024 (link here)
director: frode gjerløw
dramaturg: nora evensen
lighting design: martin myrvold
set design outer eye: vincent vernerie
photo: kevin dahlman
is there any point in trying to be happy? not according to philosopher arthur schopenhauer. people are blind, stupid and horny in their desperate search for happiness - he thought. our pursuit of sex, money, material things and ambitions only makes us more unhappy.
rainman premiered at christiania theatre in oslo 11th of january 2024 (link)
director: hanne tømta
set design: gjermund andresen
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume design: nora furuholmen
photos: fredrik arff
rain man is a funny and touching story based on the oscar-winning film with tom cruise and dustin hoffman. in the theater performance you will meet nicolai cleve broch and bjarte hjelmeland in the lead roles as the babbitt brothers.
exploded view by eivind seljeseth - premiered at dansens hus oslo 14th of december 2023.
choreograhpy - eivind seljeseth
dancers - ingrid haakstad, orfee schuijt, mathias stoltenberg and oda bjørholm
lighting design - martin myrvold
sound design - erik hedin
music - kim myhr
dramaturgic advisor - andré eiermann
photos - tale hendnes / dansens hus
exploded view is a dance performance and an open choreographic machinery. in a juxtaposition of text and movement, linguistic hierarchies and meaning production are put to the test. with the conventions of the stage space and the expectations of the moment of the performance as a contextual starting point, a new performance is created by and with the same artistic team behind the performance alt nå, from 2019.
tollak til Ingeborg - tore renberg
a teater vestland and riksteatret co-production with premiere at nynorsk huset in førde, norway, 28th of september 2023. touring norway with over 50 stops in 23/24.
riksteatrets info about the production here.
teater vestlands info about the production here.
director - miriam prestøy lie
set and costume design - milja salovaara
lighting design - martin myrvold
composer - selma frida stang
choreography assistance - kristin ryg helgebostad
producer - silje vigerust vinjar
photos - magnus skrede (website)
they call him tollak to ingeborg. everyone knows about the old stable boy who lives up by the sawmill. everyone knows that his kids don't come home very often. everyone knows he adopted him they called oddotosken. and everyone remembers his good wife. but there is something people don't know.
it's time to tell.
dansefot 23 - dansefot and nagelhus schia productions.
premiered at bærum kulturhus 1st of september 23.
we’ve said this before, (re) collect and fauna.
choreographers: hege haagenrud, thea bay and ingrid fiksdal.
costumes: line maher.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
photos: antero hein.
a(ttention) deficit delight - yaniv cohen
premiered at khio 26th of april 2023
a(ttention) deficit delight is a journey of heightened sensory awareness which drew its inspiration from the mind of an add person. the performance explores states of heightened sensory awareness, crafted as an intense physical and emotional voyage. the audience is invited to step into an other-worldly stage, immersed in sound, movement, smell and the vibrating energy of eight overloading performers.
choreographer: yaniv cohen (website)
light designer: martin myrvold
composer & sound design: rebekka andresen
costume designer: eyrun müller
artistic support: janne-camilla lyster, per roar og asher lev
co-creators/performers: ida hebsgaard, jil sira ,iselin nybak, william vikan, aasa frøystein, oskar vigren, edith strand askeland and panisara wanlopbanhan
participated in the creation process and not performing: lou ditaranto.
photos: yaniv cohen
kim myhr with 12 strings, a drum machine and a herd of pedals (website).
martin with a reflective wall, projector, smoke and lights.
an audiovisual experience - see full video here.
premiered at munch museum in april 23 (link).
do not stand too close - hege haagenrud
premiered at dansens hus - oslo, norway, 23rd of march 2023 link here
choreograph - hege haagenrud (website)
dramaturg - mads sjøgård pedersen
music and sound design: metteson and vetle junker
link lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: aster stenerud-jentoft
performers: marta luiza jankowska, lou ditaranto and alicia kerrolf
photos: tale hendnes
review at here.
in do not stand too close we meet the morbidly self-absorbed, those who need so much that they end up being left alone. personality disorders and mental disorders have become commonplace, and the internet is flooded with people sharing their personal experiences. these testimonies, loosely combined with clips from reality tv and the occasional soap opera, are the starting point for do not stand too close.
jeppe på berget - ludvig holberg.
premiered at the nationaltheatret in norway 15th of february 2023, link here.
director: chrisitan lollike
set and costume design: katrin bombe (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
sound design: bendik toming
mask: nina könig
dramaturg: njål helge mjøs
photo: erika hebbert (website)
it's not easy being jeppe. before he was a soldier, now he drinks to forget his miserable life: poverty, toil and an unfaithful wife who beats him. one day, sleeping off his intoxication in a ditch, he is found by the local baron and his servants. they decide to play a trick on him: dress him up in the baron's clothes, let him wake up in the baron's bed, pretend he's the baron and see what happens. from here onwards, jeppe is a toy for the baron and his court, a rag doll who is thrown helplessly from one situation to another. it is enjoyably comic, but with a power-critical sting and an undercurrent of heartfelt melancholy.
fabulation - bára sigfúsdóttir and orfee schuijt
premiered at dansens hus 9th of february 2023, link here
choreografy and dancers: bára sigfúsdóttir (website) and orfee schuijt (website)
set and costume design: kjersti alm eriksen
music and sound design: eivind lønning and kim myhr (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
outer eye: janne-camilla lyster, mette edvardsen and siri jøntvedt
photos: thale hendnes
- science fiction is the writing, it’s the fact that you are doing something that changes who you are immediately.
donna haraway
romeo og julie - with premiere at det norske teatret 13th of january 2023. (link here)
director - erik ulfsby
set and costume design - milja salovaara
lighting design - martin myrvold
artist and composer - silje halstensen (bendik)
dramaturg - siri løkholm ramberg
choreographer - oleg glushkov
photos - magnus skrede
the undying love story of shakespeare is the same as last time, yet much is different now that age has been turned on its head: the oldest are teenagers, and the younger actors fill the adult roles. what happens when two older people play the roles of the wildly in love teenagers romeo and juliet?
all about mimi - shlomi ruimi
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, 15th of December 2022, link here
idea and mimi: shlomi ruimi
choreography and on stage: shlomi ruimi, cassandra moldenhauer, daniel elahi, emma damskau and tormod midtbø
dramaturg and choreography: nicola gunn
lighting and set design: martin myrvold
composer: jørn lvoll
costumes: silje teland pedersen and josé cecilio orozco martínez
photos: yaniv cohen (website)
through mimi's life story and insight into the world of ballroom culture, themes such as gender, transformation and positive attitudes towards the body are raised. mimi and the other dancers play with fixed ideas we have about the joys of life such as being parents, family life, children and routines, love of alcohol, relationships and love - and social media of course. all oozing with emotion and comedy.
this performance is more than a drag show. it is a visual representation of queer culture with its shadows, colours and diversity. all about mimi shows that drag is more than gay men dressing as women.
boys - marie bergby handeland
premiered at black box theatre, oslo - norway 12th of october 2022.
idea and choreography - marie bergby handeland (website)
musical guidance - ingvild langgård (website)
set and costume design - ida grimsgaard (website)
lighting design - martin myrvold
sound - einar norberg
producer - thea åretun svensson
dramaturg - elin amundsen grinaker
photos - simen thornquist dieserud
creating artists - tayza naing, allan tolnæs, kjetil myhren, jonathan jansson, ruben fladberg, ridwan noor, andreas skoveng lillesæter, mikael blum, elias emanuel nordahl
read review at here
read review at shakespearetidsskiftet here
“boys” is a choreographed concert performed by a group of boys aged 15–19. the boys come from various places in oslo and the surrounding area, with different experience and interest in music and performing arts. over a long period, they have met each other and gotten to know each other through music, movement and themes that occupy them. together, they have created a bunch of songs where genres such as pop, folk music and rap are mixed and staged.
choreographer marie bergby handeland's starting point for “boys” is curiosity for what kind of community arises in a group of boys – what power, vulnerability, seriousness and humor can develop in them. much of bergby handeland's work is driven by a desire to create larger physical communities. she wants to turn up the volume on voices and bodies she thinks we should listen to, dispute what we have already listened to by placing it in new frames, and bring out latent choreographies in people and spaces that don't necessarily know they have them in them . she is interested in conversations about power, responsibility and closeness in the public space - about who we are and how we see each other there.
hen - taylor mac
premiered at the nationaltheatre of norway 20th of january 2021. reopening night with new cast at torshovteatret 12th august 2022.
director: catrine telle
set and costume design: katja ebbel (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
photos: martin myrvold and nationaltheatret/øyvind eide
when isaac connor returns home to his family full of homesickness after three years of military service, great changes have taken place. the door barely opens because there is rubbish and clutter everywhere. dad arnold, who previously ruled the family with an iron fist, has had a stroke. the mum paige is in the middle of a terrific liberation project where she no longer engages in activities such as cooking, personal finances, housework or any of the things that belong to the heteronormative a4 lifestyle. on the contrary, she welcomes new times and all new genders. she has declared war on patriarchy and male society after many years of shitty life. she focuses on art and metaphors and has allied herself with isaac's little sister, who no longer wants to be a sister, but a brother.
the web is flooded with cheap hormones, and everything is possible to change. the sky is the limit, even if you live in a row of houses, and the whole neighborhood dreams of something better.
dronninger by un-magritt nordseth.
premiered at dansens hus - main stage - oslo, norway, 30th of april 2022.
choreography: un-magritt nordseth.
composer: rune rebne.
set and video design: sabina jacobsen.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
costume design: maren saedi.
mask: stig wedvik.
photo: tale hendnes.
in dronninger you meet dancers from 53 to 74 years. bringing older dancers' stories to the stage room gives them a voice and a subject. the individual dancer is highlighted through an alternative pictorial understanding. strength, humor and sensuality will give a counterpoint to the sad and sickening thing one often associates with age, and will give a left-behind impression of experience as a positive resource and give an inspiring future optimism.
the beholder - signe becker (website)
premiered at khio in collaboration with black box theatre 26th of may 2021
idea and design: signe becker
sound design: per platou (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
the beholder is a sensuous work where sound, light, textiles and motifs are painstakingly choreographed together into a holistic experience. in a large, white display room, a self-propelled installation sings, dances and roars. massen basically refers to the material - to the things, to the amount of things that work together and how in such a cooperating mass movement and life can arise. the mass, the people, the herd, the silent majority, collective intelligence - there is something ambivalent about the concept of the mass, something non-corporeal and indefinable. for what or who is hiding in this concept? the scenographic work the beholder gives life to the concept through a scenographic body.
hedda gabler by henrik ibsen
premiered at riksteatret 5th of february 2022 and touring norway the spring of 22 (link)
director: fredrik longva
set design: katja ebbel (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume design: solveig holthe bygdnes (website)
composer: hanne hukkelberg (soundcloud)
sound design: amund ulvestad (website)
dramaturg: siri løkholm ramberg
producer: silje vigerust vinjar
photos: martin myrvold
hedda gabler is one of henrik ibsen's most complex characters about the existential drama. hedda gabler has been interpreted and tried to be understood all over the world. what is it about hedda that becomes dangerous for herself and everyone she surrounds herself with?
you know this song - nagelhus schia productions.
premiered at nsp studios the 11. of december 2021.
every body carries a tragic fragility, an unwavering strength. while each individual story varies, there is a deeper narrative we all share. you know this song is a highly physical, theatrical dance piece that leans into tragedy, loss, and the beauty that lives in grief. the melody shifts, the lyrics change, yet we all know this song.
choreography: tom weinberger
costume: line maher
lighting design: martin myrvold
sound design: matan daskal
photo: martin myrvold
kinships - øyteatret with premiere at dansens hus in oslo 2. december 2021.
kinships is a tribute to the extended family (kin). a tribute to the symbiotic allied organisms that envelop us on a daily basis and protect us from invaders. the project invites the audience into the microscopic of the skin, to an embracing universe of microbial movement. kinships explores mutual coexistence and exchange.
a production for the very youngest aged 0-2 years.
konsept and dramaturg: ellen jerstad
choreography: roza moshtaghi
scenography and design: baum and leahy / annike flo
costume design: zofia jacubiek
lighting design and space: martin myrvold
photo: samira shaterian and josh lake
music by: torstein lavik larsen, magnus nergaard, heida karine johannesdottir and anja lauvdal
dancers: ida haugen, caisa strømmen røstad and janne hillestad mikkelsen
engler i amerika (angels in america) - tony kushner
opening night the 8th of october 2021 at teaterkjelleren - den nationale scene (link)
director: morten borgersen
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
choreographic adviser: magnus myhr (website)
dramaturg: lillian bikset
foto: den nationale scene
"angels in america" is described as an iconic masterpiece. the universe we are invited into is both close to reality and filled with fantasies and black humor. we spend an eventful evening with people, whose fates intersect. they fight against life and death, heaven and hell. here are loving everyday angels, doubting mormons, drag queens and manipulative republicans. an angel descends to the people and her message is disturbing…
sympathetic magic - kim myhr (website)
premiered at oslo jazzfestival, victoria scene, 19th of august 2021.
kim myhr - guitars and electronics
håvard volden - electric guitars
david stackenäs - electric guitars
adrian myhr - electric guitars and bass guitar
anja lauvdal - organ and synths
hans hulbækmo - drums
michaela antalová - drums
ingar zach - percusion
stig gunnar ringen - sound design
martin myrvold - set, video and lighting dessign
photos: Munch-museet & jazz jantar
sympathetic magic was written during the last year's lockdown and is a declaration of love for collective rituals and gathering with other people. the concert can be experienced as a 70-minute long social ritual, and which according to the composer himself is perhaps the most personal music he has ever made. the music expresses a cautious optimism, where the social ecstasy we have all longed for may again be possible to experience.
panikk i kulissene (noises off…) - michael frayn
teater manus production of “panikk i kulissene” premiered at trønderlag teater 19th of august 2021 and are touring norway and sweden autumn 21.
a comedy farse on what goes totally wrong on and off stage.
director: mira zuckermann
language consultant: sølvi zuckermann
dramaturgi: tine thomassen
set design: gjermund andresen
lighting design: martin myrvold
sound design: erik hedin
costume design: anette werenskiold
wig and mask design: helena andersson
props: gøril rostad
photos: dag jenssen
your shadow - kristina gjems
premiered (without audience due to covid-19) 12th of may 2021 at rom for dans, oslo - norway.
choreography: kristina gjems (website)
dancers: kristina gjems and loan ha
sound design: morten pettersen (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume design: hedda eddy virik (website)
photos: martin myrvold
a duet exploring both the visual and the metaphorical aspects of our shadow.
a shadow is something unpredictable, a missing piece of the story that can give a new perspective, a different narrative. it is the same, but not the same. it can be a companion, an imprint or a distortion. it can give shelter or add dimension. we explore the experience of being watched over, followed by an unpredictable layer of ourselves with a shifting form and the ability to disappear. each movement supported and witnessed. we wish to give the performance a sense of intimacy and conversation, exploring loneliness and togetherness, the individual and the companion.
erasmus montanus - ludvig holberg
kilden teater with tour premiere at mandal kulturhus 6th of may 2021 (link)
director: henrik rafaelsen
set and costume design: kaja haven (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
composer: olav waastad
sound design: kristian bronebakk
photos: martin myrvold
ludvig holberg's well-known and beloved folk comedy erasmus montanus is a central classic in nordic theater. the story is about the student rasmus berg who has read latin and logical argumentation in the kings city. when he returns to the village, he is like a new man. gone is the farmer's son rasmus berg - now his name is erasmus montanus.
så som i himmelen - kay pollak, carin pollak and fredrik kempe.
premiered at nordland teater 13th of february 2021.
director: morten borgersen
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website)
lighting and video design: martin myrvold
choreography: jonas digerud
musical director: tor-petter aanes
musical arrangements: simon revholt
photos: martin myrvold
the swedish hit film "så som i himmelen" which made the whole of norway and sweden laugh and cry, became in 2018 a celebrated musical.
we meet he crisis-stricken conductor daniel, who returns to the childhood village and takes over the local church choir. the choir consists of ordinary people and a gallery of characters unlike what you usually see in a musical. there he falls in love with the girl at the local store and gets to know what it means to really live fully.
the production will tour northern norway the spring of 2021.
eruptive stars - bente alice westgård
premiered at black box theatre 26th of november 2020 (premiered without an audience because of covid-19. a new date will come)
choreography, dance and idea: bente alice westgård (website)
music and sound design: rakel nystabakk (website)
lighting design and space: martin myrvold
inner eye: rikke bewart
outer eye: janne camilla lyster
visual eye: milja salovaara
producer: karen eide bøen
photos: martin myrvold
it is so far between us and the stars that the starry sky can look constant. looking at the stars feels like a predictable state. the night sky is perhaps one of the most beautiful there is. and maybe there is, because it is so difficult to grasp, an endless series of questions. ow is it organized? where is each star located, and how old is the light we can see here and now?
at first glance, the stars may look like a coherent image. that's not the case. if we only get close enough, it is possible to scratch the surface and gain greater insight into what the star consists of and how it works. but what if the sky suddenly changes, what if the constant that one has come to trust is no longer stable, and what appears can not be tolerated?
løsrivelse - mardraum
premiered at klevfoss industrimuseum 24. september 2020.
idea, initiative and producers - marita kjetland rabben and maren myrvold.
piano: marita kjetland rabben
vocals: maren myrvold
lighting design and space: martin myrvold
a site specific concert inspired by dagny juel and edvard munch. an abandon paper factory houses this production with images of munch, music from chopin - grieg - strauss and schumann, and visuals and experience by marita, maren and martin.
danseFOT/nagelhus schia productions
premiered at bærum kulturhus 28th of september 2020.
the logical song
katja henriksen schia & catharina vehre gresslien
costume design: line maher
lighting design: martin myrvold
drawings: katja henriksen schia
as it is/as it turns out
jens jeffry trinidad & hugo marmelada
costume design: line maher
lighting design: martin myrvold
matias rønningen
costume design: line maher
lighting design: martin myrvold
sound design: matias rønningen and kamran dolati
photos: antero hein (website)
anonymousse - th´line (link)
premiered at rom for dans 21. february 2020.
dance, choreography, costumes and space: kristina søetorp wallace and ida wigdel
sound design: juhani silvola
lighting design and space: martin myrvold
masks, costumes and space: kristine gjems
dramaturg: ole johan skjelbred
producer: caroline blomqvist
text: ann-christin berg kongness and ole johan skjelbred
photo: antero hein (link)
review at (link)
nominated for the critic awards 19/20 (link)
"anonymous" consists of two masses, two identities that can only work when they go up into something bigger. they are the opposite of individualists; they do not want to be made visible, do not want to be picked out and held responsible. they fear becoming too comfortable, fear falling out of the shadows. they are on the rise. they have high shoulders. and they enjoy it. they just want to gain access to the enormous freedom of anonymity, where through being nothing can be everything.
in this duet, th'line follows up a long-standing interest in creating and engaging in unique characters and shifting their own identity. in anonymousse, they investigate how different degrees of anonymity affect our thoughts and actions.
forelska i shakespeare (shakespeare in love) - marc norman and tom stoppard, for stage lee hal.
premiered at nationaltheatrets main stage in oslo, norway, 15th of november 2019 (link).
reviews at , , , , and .
director: cecilie mosli
set design: dagny drage kleiva (website)
costume design: anette werenskiold
lighting design: martin myrvold
musical direction: per christian revolt
choreograph: kristian støvind
fighting director: philip d’orléans
masks: hege ramstad
dramaturg: njål helge mjøs
photo: øyvind eide
the disney movie shakespeare in love as a stage production.
we return to 1593 and meet the young poet will shakespeare. he is broke and has a writing barrier, he promises manuscripts, but fails to write a word.
then he meets viola de lesseps. she loves theater, and all she wants is to fill her life with poetry, adventure and love. but women are not allowed on stage, and her father wants to marry her to a man she doesn't want. the impossible and all-consuming love causes the words to flow again from will's pen. and the play romeo and julie starts to take shape ...
jan gunnar røise and ine marie wilman play the young in love, and together with a vibrant ensemble, they serve you a musical, playful and surplus performance, directed by the renowned film and theater director cecilie mosli.
alt nå - eivind seljeseth
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, 22nd of november 2019 (link)
choreography and idea: eivind seljeseth (website)
sound design: erik hedin (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
dancers: ingrid haakstad, mathias stoltenberg and orfee schuijt
photo: tale hendnes/dansens hus
"imagine closing your eyes. the world disappears behind your eyelids and becomes dark and quiet for a moment. imagine you're sitting in a room. a fairly large room, with good headroom and floor space. imagine you're not alone , but that more, like you, sit in a row with your eyes closed and listen. if you open your eyes again, everything can be changed. colors, shapes and sensations may have changed place and nothing can be as before. "
alt nå is a performance simulator that leaves the audience alone together. the project explores the relationship between information, projection and manipulation in a system of sound, physical and visual material. the performance is created by choreographer and dancer eivind seljeseth, in collaboration with a group of performing artists put together for this project.
we come in peace - aliens
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, the 19th of september 2019. link.
by: helgebostad, hohannesdottir, lauvdal, floen and theisen
choreography: kristin helgebostad
composers: heida karine johannesdottir and anja lauvdal
creating artists: mathias stoltenberg, julie moviken, harald beharie, ingrid haakstad and irene theisen
set and costume design: fredrik floen
lighting design: martin myrvold
band: christian skår winther, selma french bolstad, hannah veslemøy narvesen, magnus skavhaug nergaard, anja lauvdal, heida karine johannesdottir
text: anja lauvdal, heida karine johannesdottir and maria drangeid
dramaturg: maria drangeid
sound: andreas hårklau
producer: michelle flagstad
photos: simen dieserud
review at
nominated and given the critic awards 19/20 (link)
how do we imagine extraterrestrial art? together we create a piece from another galaxy - performed by alien beings. we admire the pure enthusiasm in ensembles from the musical genre, the emotional pathos and the unconditional dedication and warmth. we come in peace strives to carry the same energetic potential as musical ensembles to release affective experiences, but with extraterrestrial strategies.
danseFOT - nagelhus schia productions.
premiered at bærum kulturhus in sandvika, norway, 30. august 2019.
en bølge: guro nagelhus schia & vebjørn sundby
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: ellen ystehede and lillian baur
music: timon botez & olga wojciechowska
honolulu queen: kristin inao
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: lillian baur
music: michael giacchino
youth: stian danielsen
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: lillian baur
sound design: morten pettersen
dramaturg: thomas schaupp
photos: antero hein
fruen fra havet (lady from the sea) by henrik ibsen.
premiered at kilden fjæreheia amphi in grimstad, norway, the 10th of June 2019.
“lady from the sea” is produced by kilden teater in collaboration with yabin studios.
music: tove kragset og oakland rain
director: birgit amalie nilssen
choreographer: yabin wang
musical director: tove kragset
set designer: ryall burden
costume designer: kimie nakano
sound designer: rune sundby
lighting designer: martin myrvold
dramaturg: endre sannes hadland
producer: jørgen macdonald
postmodern cool - inés belli
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, 2nd of may 2019.
choreography: inés belli.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
costume design: signe vasshus.
sound design: terje wessel øverland.
music: jordan fields.
photos: yaniv cohen.
postmodern cool explores form, tradition and expectation in jazz dance with a postmodern look. the performance is inspired by the breakthrough of postmodernism with the ideals of modernism of truth, reason and freedom, and the need to free itself from structures in time. as postmodernism redefines borders and genres of its time, postmodern cool is an attempt to renegotiate the aesthetic and hierarchical regimes that have historically been strong in jazz dance. in this debate between contemporary needs and the traditions of the past, new expressions and aesthetic ideals arise that are both in relation and contrast to the current view of what jazz dance is and can be.
dødsprosjektet by bente alice westgård (website).
premiered at black box theatre (link) the 3rd of april 2019.
review at
idea and choreography: bente alice westgård.
sound design: terje wessel øverland.
costume design and space: milja salovaara (website).
lighting design and space: martin myrvold.
dancers: rannei grenne, karen eide bøen, louis schou, sebastian biong and julie steinjord mjøen.
photos: yaniv cohen (website).
“death is too big and overwhelming for me to relate to. and even life, which is the only thing i can relate to, is sometimes too intense and overwhelming. death as the backdrop for life is a prerequisite for life-expansion. dødsprosjektet (the death project) had its humble inception almost eight years ago, when i gave birth to my first child. the extreme intensity that i experienced when i gave birth was so overwhelming that i was sure i was going to die. i could not survive something so intense. but i did, and this experience evoked processes in me that have shaped both my life and my artistic practice.”
kunsten å falle by sara stridsberg.
premiered at nationaltheatrets malersalen in oslo, norway, the 15th of march 2019 (link).
director: morten borgersen.
set and costume design: milja salovaara (link)
lighting design: martin myrvold.
dramaturg: hege randi tørresen.
mask: ruth norvik.
actors: kari simonsen, liv bernhoft osa and erland bakken.
photo: øyvind eide.
the renowned swedish author and playwright sara stridsberg, who received the nordic council literature prize in 2007, has written the play kunsten å falle on the two historical female figures. the play is based, among other things, on the cult classic gray gardens, a documentary film from 1975, which shows how the two women, in spite of their isolation and poverty, never let go of the joy of creating and recreating the idea of themselves.
bukkene bruse lager rumpebrann - bjørn f. rørvik and gry moursund.
premiered at riksteatret in oslo, norway, the 28th of february 2019 (link).
tour premiere at røros, norway, the 6th of march 2019.
director: ivar emil tindberg.
dramaturg: tine thomassen.
set design: gjermund andresen (website).
costume and dolls: ingrid nylander.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
composer: peter baden.
photos: l-p lorentzen.
a kids puppet show about the three brother goats bruse and their arch enemy troll.
fuglane by tarjej vesaas (link)
premiered the 17th of january 2019 at riksteatret in oslo, norway, and with tour premier the 21st of januray 2019 in seljord, norway.
director: lasse kolsrud.
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website).
lighting design: martin myrvold.
composer: kjetil schjander luhr.
choreographer: belinda braza.
dramaturg: tine thomassen.
photos: erik berg.
the birds are dramatized and filmed a number of times, both in norway and abroad. this time riksteatret presents vesaas' masterpieces in a completely new version. it is dramatised and directed by lasse kolsrud. he has given this story a unique blend of robust narrative and sorrowful seriousness.
entitled - stian danielsen.
premiered the 20th of september 2018 at bærum kulturhus in sandvika, norway.
choreography: stian danielsen (website)
dramaturg: thomas schaupp.
composer and sound design: morten pettersen.
sound design: terje wessel øverland.
costume: line maher.
lighting and set design: martin myrvold.
producer: lene bang.
photo: yaniv cohen.
early experiences and the enduring force of expectations shape one's identity. some aspects of it are constructed for us, while others we construct ourselves. with his new solo entitled, choreographer and dancer stian danielsen invites us into a black cave, in which his body exposes its own ambiguity - proposing a humanitarian statement against predominant conclusions. entitled will be a multi-layered and sensual spectacle of the incomprehensible, in which his body and his voice interweave into vibrations, from micro-movements to wide oscillations. it will be a work, in that codified shapes of his body, his gender and the space become increasingly fragile and dissolve into a corporeal experience of being first and foremost human.
hyper i egypt
premiered at det norske teatret in oslo, norway, 17th of november 2018. (website)
written by: thor soltvedt
director: petter næss
set and costume design: gjermund andresen (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
video design: thorbjørn ljunggren
dramaturgs: anders hasmo / matilde holdhus
photos: det norske teatret
a humorist children’s performance about being 9 years and hyperactive.
per viggo does not manage to sit quietly at home or at school. he says it's because he has an ants in his pants. around him it always gets crazy. at school they call him hyper.
habitat - rom for dans
premiered at rom for dans in oslo, norway, september 2018.
choreography: caroline wahlström nesse and camilla myhre
composer: martin ødegaard
set design: carl nilssen-love (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
photos: tom henning sinding-larsen
olle bolle by bo anders sundstedt and peder opstad
premiered at akershus teater the fall of 2018
director: bo anders sundstedt
set design: gjermund andresen
costume design: cathrine gåre opstad
lighting design: martin myrvold
photos: lars opstad
a musical theatre production about the famous troll olle bolle and his family
dansefot - nagelhus schia productions.
premiered at bærum kulturhus in sandvika, norway, september 2018.
sleeping beauty (remake) - ingunn bjørnsgaard.
setdesign: christel sverre.
costume: ingvild hovind / lillian baur.
lighting design: asbjørn johnsen / martin myrvold.
music: johann sebastian bach og rolf wallin.
a/way - shintaro oue
lighting design: martin myrvold.
costume: lillian bauer.
photo: antero hein
valentin - kastellet/kilden fjæreheia amfi.
a musical premiered at kilden fjæreheia amfi in grimstad, norway, july 2018.
director: bentein baardson
script: odd grjotheim
music: peter haltorp and arve konnestad
choreography: christina markhus
set design: ryall burden
costume design: else elisabeth lund
lighting design: martin myrvold
sound design: rune sundby
mask: marianne log
skjønnhet I-X - janne camilla lyster.
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, 12th of april 2018.
choreographer: janne camilla lyster (website)
dramaturg: thomas schaupp
composer and musician: ellen ugelvik
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: kathrine tolo
dancers: cecilie lindemann steen, catharina vehre gresslien, karen lynne bjerknesli, ingrid haakstad, julie moviken, torunn helene robstad and anne oortwijn.
the point of departure of beauty I-X is a score of ten choreographic poems - a poetry that possesses a choreographic capacity, and which can be read as both poetry and dance. this score will be trans-created through the dancers' and pianist’s reading and practice, as they establish a sensorial relationship to the text.
time and light, movement and sound interweave into a cycle where simplicity, intimacy and transience create patterns and textures – with a precision leaving us open for the unimagined.
kafka på stranden - haruki murakami.
premiered at det norske teatret in oslo, norway, february 2018.
for stage: frank galati
translation: carl jørgen kiønig
director: carl jørgen kiønig
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
composer: åsmund feidje
dramaturg: ola e. bø
photo: erik berg
det er her vi kommer fra.
premiered at brageteatret in drammen, norway, january 2018.
texts by: levi henriksen
for stage: thomas marco blatt
director: kim sørensen
set and costume design: gjermund andresen (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
composer and musician: johannes winther farstad
photo: signe fuglesteg luksengard
skinn - supernova
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, in september 2017.
creation and movement: rikke baewert, ida gudbrandsen and loan ha.
set design: carl nilssen-love (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
photo: thale hendnes
before the dust has subsided and the laughter stopped, we set the sky in motion and dig into an enclosed dark landscape. we can feel the wind in our hair, spit on what makes us gray and manners to (ka ka) battle with a tribute to the memories.
a supernova is a giant star explosion. during the explosion, the star's energy would otherwise have spent millions of years sending out, the brightness increases enormously and can shorten a whole galaxy for a short while.
tre søstre (three sisters) by anton tsjekhov.
premiered at nordland teater mo i rana, norway, in october 2017.
director: morten borgersen
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
glassperle / wow - janne camilla lyster / stian danielsen for kompani haugesund (website)
a double bill that premiered at festiviteten haugesund, norway, in september 2017.
glassperle (trailer)
choreography: janne camilla lyster (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: line maher
wow (trailer)
choreography: stian danielsen (website)
sound design: morten pettersen
dramaturg: thomas schaupp
costume: line maher
lighting design: martin myrvold
photo: yaniv cohen (website)
one gust of wind and then all dance - kristina gjems
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, in may 2017.
choreography: kristina gjems (website).
dancers: loan ha, fernanda branco, marianne kjærsund, cecilie lindeman steen and kristina gjems
costume and set design: eric williams
sound design: morten pettersen
lighting design: martin myrvold
photo: tale hendnes
premiered at khio spring 2017.
choreography: bente alice westgård (website)
dance: karen eide bøen, rannei grenne, julie steinjord mjøen, louis schou and håkon vadstein
light design and scenography: martin myrvold
costume design: kristine gjems/ bente alice westgård
soundtrack: hugo hedberg/bente alice westgård
sound: antony aubert
photos: martin myrvold (thanks to rune sundby for camera)
her - silje aker johnsen / erik dæhlin.
her premiered at khio, norway, in february 2017.
creating performer: silje aker johnsen
creating director and composer: erik dæhlin
set design: mari lotherington (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
writer: hanne ramsdal
costume: Sarah brinkmann
dramaturg: oda radoor
photo: chris erlbeck
a living body is a remembering body. a remembering body is a living body. remembering can be a liberating act - a reconciliation process between the body of today and the body of yesterday and what it can be.
a well-known moment can quickly fill the body, but just leave it.
an undisputed memory can open an unknown track explored here and now. memories can be completed or given a final condolences.
personal memories, conditions and experiences meet the body of the audience, the stage room and an audience. what turns out when her body is looking forward - remembering, but at the same time transforming?
sleeping with the lights on - kasper ravnhøj and stian danielsen.
premiered at bærum kulturhus in sandvika, norway, 13th of october .2016.
choreographers and performers: kasper ravnhøj and stian danielsen.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
costume design: line maher.
dramaturg: thomas schaupp.
composer: thomas elfstadius.
it all began with a letter from one choreographer to the other. an invitation to challenge each other, to spend so much energy together and to move so much that it would heat up the world. it became the starting point for „sleeping with the lights on“, a physical dialog between kasper ravnhøj and stian danielsen. inspired by the theory of the heat-death-of-the-universe, ravnhøj and danielsen are dancing together in an intense ritual that attempts to bring the world closer to its ultimate fate. „sleeping with the lights on“ invites the audience into an immersive space, in which body, sound and light gradually accelerate in speed and heat until all culminates into a thermo-dynamic implosion – marking an end and also a new beginning.
linked / one theme on beautiful thing - nagelhus schia & sundby / arouni.
a double bill that premiered at bærum kulturhus in september 2015.
choreography: vebjørn sundby & guro nagelhus schia
sound design: timon botez & olga wojciechowska
set design: timon botez
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume: ellen ystehede
one theme on a beautiful thing
choreographer: christopher arouni
dancer: jon filip fahlstrøm
composers: anne lise frøkedal og bergmund waal skaslien
lighting design: martin myrvold
set design: carl nilssen-love (website)
sound design: morten pettersen
photo: erica hebbert larsen (website)
kartsen og petra - tor åge bringsvær.
premiered at the national theatres torshov theatre, norway, 15th of april 2016 (link)
director: mari vatne kjeldstadli.
music: kjetil schjander luhr.
set and costume design: dagny drage kleiva.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
video design: thorbjørn ljunggren.
choreography: eli stålhand.
photos: øyvind eide.
thinking and… / fracture - kollektiv k
opening night at kilden theatre and concert house in kristiansand, norway, 13th of may 2016.
thinking and…
choreographer: stian danielsen.
sound design: terje wessel øverland.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
choreographers: kenneth flak and külli roosna.
sound design: kenneth flak.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
costume design: aurora ribu and thalia steffensen.
photo: stian herdal.
me too - kristin ryg helgebostad / laura marie rueslåtten
premiered at dansens hus oslo, norway, in february 2015.
concept: kristin ryg helgebostad (website) and laura marie rueslåtten
performers: marianne kjærsund, sigrid hirsch kopperdal, irene theisen, berglind rafnsdottir and laura marie rueslåtten.
choreography: kristin ryg helgebostad
composer: laura marie rueslåtten
lighting design: martin myrvold
costume and set design: thale kvam olsen
photo: simen dieserud thornquist
imagine hearing movement and seeing sounds. in me too, handbells and movement melt into a beautiful, clear and tangible synthesis. helgebostad/rueslåtten have created a piece based on the sound of acoustic hand bells and physical movement. we are hearing movements and seeing sounds as colours, energy and three dimensional singing and dancing sculptures in space. the dancers conjure up a collective movement that constantly transforms itself, like an eternal metamorphosis. they melt together handbells, bodily movement, scenography and light into a black box landscape of materialized energy.
premiered at the national theatres amphi stage, norway, 10th of october 2015 (link).
written by: angela betzien.
director: cecilie mosli.
set and costume design: milja salovaara (website).
lighting design: martin myrvold.
sound design: kai priddy.
photos: øyvind eide.
underlandet - rom for dans.
premiered at rom for dans in oslo, norway, 3rd of december 2015 (video).
creating artists: caroline wahlström nesse and marius kjos.
composer: martin ødegård.
text: karsten solli.
set design: marit roland.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
sound design: morten pettersen.
costume design: hanne beate thomsen.
mask and hair design: kjell nordström and vilde bekken.
use my body - hege haagenrud.
premiered at the norwegian opera and ballet stage 2 the 17th of october 2015.
chorepgraphy: hege haagenrud.
music: rebekka karijord.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
how can the stereotype of old people as eccentric or frightening be counteracted? hege haagenrud has been gripped by this question when working with the performance use my body while it’s still young, in which older dancers re-enter the stage.
use my body while it´s still young is a cooperation between hege haagenrud og rebekka karijord. the previous video with music by karijord and siv ander in the leading role, was the inspiration to a full length performance where haagenrud examines the topic further.
the choreographer believes that the old body has been deprived of its sensuality and demoted to substandard material – something that has completed its function long ago. are we frightened by our own transience, she asks, is this why we tend to avoid the older body?
“it provokes many thoughts when we are no longer considered as the unique, strange, mysterious me, but more as a member of a group; sick people, cancer patients, or the elderly. you suddenly realise how degrading discrimination is – you’re a muslim, queer, disabled – everything that we carry out every day: taking the special nature away from people and putting them into prison as a group.”
this is how professor in social medicine, per fugelli, describes life as a cancer patient, in an interview with hege haagenrud. the choreographer wants to use use my body while it’s still young to redefine the obsession of our age with the contemporary, made apparent in the worship of youth, in the desire of the individual to remove physical evidence of aging. she has with her four legendary dancers aged from 65 to 79.
gerard lemaitre danced at nederlands dans teater for more than 20 years, and performed in more than 120 ballets. he returns to the stage in use my body while it’s still young, together with brian toney and siv ander – who have previously danced with the norwegian national ballet and the cullberg ballet and aase with, former dancer with the collage dance company.
this is now - kompani haugesund.
premiered at festiviteten haugesund, norway, 23rd of january 2014.
choreographer: christopher arouni.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
set design: carl nilssen love.
composer: bergmund waal skaslien.
costume design: lillian baur.
in this piece christopher arouni assumes a metaphorical reference from leonardo da vinci’s painting the last supper. who is who? who is the guilty one? who invited all these people?
working with movement as the basic tool of expression, arouni explores the concepts of time and perception with a clear and sensitive focus on the details in the singular movement as well as on the music and lighting. his work has been hailed as sensitive, explosive, detailed and highly aesthetic.
on invisible pause with skånes dansteater - christopher arouni
premiered at skånes dansteater in malmö, sweden, 4th of november 2011.
chorepgrapher: christopher arouni
lighting design: martin myrvold
music: christian fennez
costume design: lillian bauer
photos: mats bäcker
hamsuns gate.
premiered at the national theatres amphi stage, norway, 5th of February 2009 (link)
texts by knut hamsun.
for stage and director: yngve sundvor.
music: terje johannesen.
set design: gard b. eidsvold and yngve sundvor.
costume design: elise brun.
lighting design: martin myrvold.
photos: marius e. hauge.