the beholder - signe becker (website)
premiered at khio in collaboration with black box theatre 26th of may 2021
idea and design: signe becker
sound design: per platou (website)
lighting design: martin myrvold
the beholder is a sensuous work where sound, light, textiles and motifs are painstakingly choreographed together into a holistic experience. in a large, white display room, a self-propelled installation sings, dances and roars. massen basically refers to the material - to the things, to the amount of things that work together and how in such a cooperating mass movement and life can arise. the mass, the people, the herd, the silent majority, collective intelligence - there is something ambivalent about the concept of the mass, something non-corporeal and indefinable. for what or who is hiding in this concept? the scenographic work the beholder gives life to the concept through a scenographic body.